(McSweeney's Style)
Contemplating writing an epic poem about Sartre, instead of a ten page paper, where I take full advantage of the fact that Sartre rhymes with fart.
Bidding on issues of McSweeney's on eBay that I can't possibly win because I'm not meeting the reserves.
Trying to solo Gnomeregan at level 31.
Organizing my bath products to perfectly mimic the layout of the produce section at my grocery store.
Writing drafts of love letters to David Foster Wallace in crayon on the back of tax forms.
Watching twelve hours of the NFL Draft (almost guaranteed to make studying appealing...almost).
Looking at apartments in San Francisco that I can't afford and pretending to decorate them.
Going to bed four hours earlier than the night before so I can dream about not getting work done (instead of sitting around thinking about it).
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