Hey little journal, long time no see. What have I been up to? Why coughing and sneezing and term papers and finals and ignoring a whole pile of lovely new video games that have been stacked up in the corner. It's the early winter, you see, and that means that I've got to spend hours upon hours rehashing useless information in subjects that won't mean anything to me in three years to teachers whose names I will forget in five.
I'm not entirely jaded, of course. My set theory teacher actually approved of the conversation we had last week, just before class, the one where I explained how I don't study for classes with multiple choice exams because you can figure out what answer the teacher wants by the way he/she phrases the question. I've also got an interesting paper on Chomsky right around the corner that's lined up to be my senior thesis if the slump doesn't hit me too hard next semester.
So I don't have a lot of time to be around here or in World of Warcraft. I hope everyone is enjoying some video games by the fireplace, and the next time you're in WoW, say hi to my little priestess for me.
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