20 minutes ago I was three blocks north of my apartment picking up some soup from my favorite little hole in the wall Vegan Thai Restaurant.
15 minutes ago I was one block north of my apartment coming out of my local bodega after talking to the owner and buying some eggs, which I wanted to have for breakfast tomorrow.
12 minutes ago I was coming back into my apartment when I heard three rounds of gunfire from outside.
10 minutes ago I was back down on the street. (I understand this is the point where you might call me an idiot, but if there was gunfire outside my apartment, I had to know it.)
7 minutes ago I was standing outside my local bodega while the other patron who was in there when I was (a few minutes earlier) told two cops about how he stepped outside the store and the guy standing next to him pulled out a gun and started shooting at a group of kids across the street, who returned fire.
3 minutes ago I came back into my apartment and sat down at my desk.
9:47PM hit return.
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