The games are different Genres and so they cant really be compared to each other directly. And both games definitly belong somewhere at the top of their genres.foreversai
Exactly what i was going to say, but i do believe that Layton is a "better" game, im enjoying it alot more Zelda, not as repetitive. And dumb question but what do you use picarats for? i remember they said something about it at the very start but cant remember.
Been playing this game for about 5 hours now and i can only agree with this score. It's on of, if not my fav game on the DS, and im not the biggest puzzle game fan, the story line is intruiging and keeps you interested, the characters look fantastic, the puzzles aren't too hard and aren't too easy, if u get stuck the hint coins are very helpful, and you dont HAVE to finish all the puzzles to move on, i think ive solved 32/34 and still have 13 coins left. But overall this is a fantastic game and i have been hyping it up to all of my friends, who have just shaken their head at me from just looking at the visuals...ah well there loss :D
Hey, look, I can have good grammar just like you! Now, how about turning your jackass mode off? He's freacked out, that's all, or maybe he doesn't care. No need to be an ass. Runcola_Uzumaki
LOL it's freaked....hehehe, trying to look all smart and you went and made a simple spelling mistake like that :P
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