Yet another random event in my life
by CasaHova on Comments
This happend a while ago and I had posted on my blogger account, but I wanted to post this here as well: Ok so I decide to go to the snack machine b/c I have a case of the cubical munchies. So I go down to the machine and it is stocked with Mrs. Freshley’s mini donuts crunch. ok so I’m siked since it is like there every once in a while. There are only two left. So I’m like let me get one now and then keep the other for when I go to school tomorrow. I only brought enough change to get one snack. So I’m like I’ll use a dollar. Nope the machine will not recognize the damn dollar at all. I freaking iron my dollars b/c of the machines I interact with. OK so I say I’ll put it in the soda machine then just hit coin return and get some change. The darn machine took the dollar kicks out a quarter since all the cans are 75c. I then spend the next 5 minutes trying to get my change. I will not give it to me. It’s like I’m locked into purchasing something. I heave a heavy sigh and push the Nestea Ice Tea, AND OUT COMES A MOUNTAN DEW! So now I have a damn soda (which I don’t drink much of) and have to ask someone to get some change to get the extra mini donuts. Then just to add insult to injury the elevator decides to stop at all four floors before I can get to mine. That’s the type of random things that happen and it just stays in the back of your mind eating away at you sanity
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