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CasinoCrazy7 Blog

Wackybeckam1818 here!

Hey everyone! I'm back. I've been gone for awhile and I think some of you have no clue what is going on. Recently, I've been suspended for violating Terms of Use; I can see why. Reason is unknownbut I am clear on what it is. I'm now suspended indefinately; meaning that I must wait for the admins or whoever checks the accounts; I could be suspended for 1 more week or be suspended forever. The weird thing is, I haven't been moderated. So I checked my moderation history; and I was stunned for what I saw. I had 2 strikes for trolling. I check my first strike, and I then agreed with it. However, I was flagged for trolling for praising Dirt 2. CasinoCrazy7 gave Dirt2his GOTY for 2009, so why am I flagged for liking the game??? Anyways, I hope this clears up soon. Thanks CC7 for giving me the oppotunity to write this to let you all know what is happening.

If I do get unsuspended; I will review Minecraft and keep you up to date with everything else!


GOTY Retrospective

Hey guys CC7 here. I am in a bad mood. At the same time, I'm in a good mood. Here's why. On March 8th 2011, the Mortal Kombat demo was released on the Playstation Store. But it's only on Playstation Plus. Now, I have to wait until the 15th for the demo to be released for regular PSN users. That is just stupid!! Anyway, my rants on the MK demo are not the topic of this blog post. Today, we're taking a look back at my GOTY winners of past years. Let's start with 2005.

Star Wars Battlefront II

- Show The Greatest Star Wars Game Ever Made Some Respect.

What a year '05 was and the game that really made me respect video games in general was Star Wars Battlefront II. 6 years ago, this was my favourite game ever. Epic cinematic battles, epic tactical action and epic music taken directly from the films which is composed masterfuly by music icon John Williams. Everything about this game is epic! Good job Lucasarts. RIP Pandemic Games!

The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

- The Greatest RPG Ever Made. Nuff Said.

2006 was a very blank year for gaming but there was only 1 game that was video game gold. That's Oblivion. The 4th game in Bethesda's RPG franchise was a key milestone in the genre and in my heart. This game combines everything I love in video games. Long, extensive gameplay, beautiful graphics, lovely soundtracks and loads and loads of blood and gore!! The first-person gameplay really works well with an RPG like this. Can't wait for Skyrim. 11.11.11. Already marked my calendar.


- Watch Out, There's A New Skateboarding Game In Town.

In 2007, EA gave us Skate, my new favourite sports franchise. This game introduced me to a really cool control system called Flickit. Basically, you flick the right thumbstick and you do tricks. It also got me not only to respect skateboarding games but skateboarding in general. Thank you EA for showing me the revolutionary world that is Skate.

Burnout Paradise

- Cars + Crashes = GOTY 2008

2008 was a greatyear for gaming. It brought us games like Little Big Planet and Dead Space. However, my favourite game of '08 was Burnout Paradise. This game is bad sh*t crazy!! Cars flying in the sky, parts going everywhere and sound effects that sound so close to the real car smashing deal. This was the retribution of the Burnout series and it also placed Criterion Games in my develepers Hall of Fame. Awesome job guys!!!

DiRT 2

- Colin McRae, We Salute You! RIP.

Now, I have been a conosur of racing games but, DiRT 2 is like nothing I have ever played. Possibly the greatest racing game ever made, it improves apon it's predecessor in every way. Stunning graphics, great crashes and sweet licensed music. I fell in love with this game the minute I started playing it and to this day, it's still my favourite racing game. Wow. Thank you Codemasters for making this game and thank you Colin McRae for making all this possible. Rest In Peace buddy!

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves

- This Isn't JustA Game. It's A Cinematic Experience.

As we reached the new decade many things changed. But my love for vide games raged on. Uncharted 2 was a game that came outin 2009 but I got it for my birthday which is in January. This is probably the 2nd greatest game ever made (nothing beats the all mighty Mortal Kombat II!) because of several things. Graphics that made me cry (not really), terrific voice acting and just the whole cinematic experience that was absolutly intrieging. Uncharted 2 was so good, that I played it again 3 times and I still loved it. I can't wait until Uncharted 3.

Now we get to the current year 2011. Some games that are really amazing are Marvel vs Capcom 3 which I will be reviewing soon, LBP 2, Killzone 3 and Bulletstorm. We can't end any blog post without talking about Mortal Kombat. Just recently, they anounced that Raiden was playable and that is bloody awesome!! His opening quote is awesome. "Thunder Take You". Epic. CC7 out.

Demo Madness Now!!!

Helo guys CC7 here. Damn it's been a while. How have ya been? Anyway, over the course of my absence on Gamespot, I have been downloading a lot of demos off PSN. So, I'm gonna talk about them right now. First is Mafia II the first demo I downloaded. BTW, downloading crap off of PSN is a long and tedious process so it takes time. Too much time!! Anyway, Mafia II is an interesting game that borrows a lot from the Grand Theft Auto games however, it's not as refined as the GTA games and just not as good. However, a good game to say the least. I give it a 7.5. Next is Red Faction Guerrilla which I really enjoyed. I love and I mean love the destructible envioronments in this game but the only problem is that it's short. Quoting Steve Carrell in The Office "That's What She Said". I give it an 8.5. Another demo I downloaded is Fight Night Champion which I researched on Wikipedia and discovered that it is EA Sports first M rated game they've ever made. And frankly I can see why. This game is brutal (not as brutal as Mortal Kombat!) and it's bloody and at times it's cringing. When you get cut in this game, several things happen. First, it looks absolutly discusting as the graphics in this game are so freaking sick, as you lay down the beatdown on the cut opponent, blood not only get's on the floor, but it get's soaked into your trousers and when you knock someone out, depending which camera angle you're on, an extremly realistic blood splatter soaks the screen adding more brutality to the already violent game. This demo is amazing. 9.5. The final 2 demos I'm gonna talk about is Bulletstorm and Killzone 3. I will talk about the latter first. Killzone 3 is a landmark for high definition visuals on a game console. This game is stunning to look at. However on a gameplay standard, it plays like Call of Duty in a way which is kind of a bummer. 8.0. Finally Bulletstorm. Jesus this is violent. Nuff said. 8.5. CC7 out.

Quick Suber Bowl Update!

Hey guys CC7 here. So, here we are in February and wow, it's been a while guys! This weekend, I'm gonna catch you guys up with my GOTY awards and I will reveal 2 catagories instead of one. Now, GO PACKERS!!!! Yes, the Green Bay Packers won Super Bowl 45 and I am very happy! Also, I am a huge Transformers fan so I'm gonna show you guys the trailer for Transformers Dark of the Moon which was aired last night and it is awesome! Here's the link:

So, that's it for now. CC7 out.

GOTY Awards Start Now!

Hey guys CC7 here. After 3 weeks of countless delays, the awards start today. Instead of going from the other catagorys to GOTY, I'm going to do the opposite. I'm starting with GOTY and moving down the list from there. The reason I'm doing this is because I don't want to write down all my nods and put them there and waste time. So enough with this boring crap lets start the goddamn awards already!

Most Anticipated Game of 2011: Winner: Mortal Kombat Runner Up: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Now, I bet you're wondering "why wouldn't CC7 pick MK as his most anticipated game of 2011?" Well, you thought right. It's been years since a 2D Mortal Kombat game and over the years, we the proud, deticated MK fans suffered with crappy 3D games and the terrible MK vs DC Universe (don't remind me). Finally, WB Games and Netherealm Studios (formerly Midway Chicago) listened to the fans and they gave us what we wanted. Sexy female characters, uber violent fatalites and classic MK stages and gameplay. This is my most anticipated game of 2011 if not the most anticipated game of all time in my opinion. Well done WB Games and Netherealm Studios. You made Ed Boon and all the MK fans proud!

Game Of The Year: Winner: Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Runner Up: Goldeneye 007 & Need For Speed Hot Pursuit. Sorry Eurocom and Criterion Games. Both your games were amazing but not one game this year gave me such a blast or experience than Naughty Dog's masterpiece Uncharted 2 Among Thieves. 2 words. UBER EPICNESS! This game was so good, that I played the campaign more than once. The multiplayer is just so fun. The graphics deserve an 11. The voice acting is amazing. No matter what year you're in, never count this game out for one second. I played it in 2010 when the game came out in 2009 and it got Game of the Year from me. Well done Sony and Naughty Dog. You pulled of one of the greatest gaming experiences of all time. Cheers!

So this is the first of 5 parts of this series so stay tuned. I will be posting a new catagory weekly so be patient guys ok? See ya. CC7 out.

Oscar Nods 2011

Hello my fellow audience CC7 here. This is the first (and last) time I will ever be presenting myself formally like this. The reason why is because I'm am revealing some of my oscar predictions for the 83rd Acadamy Awards. This info will lead up to January 25th 2011 when the official results will be released. First, let's start with the recap of 2010 in film. Many highly acclaimed films were released this year such as The Social Network, The Town, The Fighter, Inception & the highest grossing film of 2010 Toy Story 3. All the films I just mentioned will be in the oscars (99.9% correct) and will be nominated for many awards. Keep in mind, I'm not predicting if the film will win the oscar, I'm only predicting the nods for some of the catagories. I'm also not listing every catagory because about half of the awards are boring so I'm only listing my favourite ones starting with best visual effects. 2 contenders for sure that should be in this catagory are Inception and Tron Legacy. Others include Iron Man 2 and other blockbusters this year. For best actor, I think Jessie Eisenburg from The Social Network, Mark Wahlberg from The Fighter, James Franco from 123 Hours, Jeff Bridges from True Grit and Colin Firth from The King's Speech. Finally, best supporting actor. I think Christan Bale from The Fighter, Jeremy Renner from The Town, Matt Damon from True Grit, Geoffery Rush from The King's Speech and Andrew Garfield from The Social Network. That's it for my predictions for Oscars 2011. CC7 out.

UPDATE: Oscar Nominations, GOTY Awards Dated, Apologies

Hey guys CC7 here. Today is a casual blog so I'm gonna just say things that aren't really related to gaming per say but towards a casual kind of aproach. First of all, I apoligize for the delays on my GOTY awards. I know that you guys are getting a little impatiant (not that it's a bad thing) but I promise that the awards will take place in the next 2 weeks. I've just been so caught up with work that I am starting to have less and less time to do this. So other than that, that's it for gaming related stuff. Now on to movies. I bet you don't know this but I am an avid movie critic and every year around the 1st quarter, I get hyped up for the oscars. Even though the official nommines will be anounced on January 25th, (1 day after my birthday. Yay) I am starting my personal oscar nods. I will be starting that ASAP (and by ASAP I mean tommorow lol) and I am going to share 1 nod right now. Best picture. I'm not sure if there's going to be 9 nods like last year but I am naming 5 just for the sake of conserving time. Here they are. 1. Inception. 2. 123 Hours. 3. True Grit. 4. The Social Network. 5. The Fighter. Well, that's my list and let the critisism commence! CC7 out.

Happy New Year 2011 And 2010 Thoughts

Hey guys CC7 here. Well, 2011 starts tommorow and I just want to say thank you (all my followers) guys for all your support over 2010 and I'm really glad you guys read my reviews and that just makes me say "I guess all that work wasn't for nothing after all!" Let's start 2011 on a high note and for the last time in 2010, CC7 out!

UPDATE: GOTY Awards Delayed For 2011, Christmas Games, Black Ops Review

Hey guys CC7 here. First of all, I'm pleased to say that the winners of my Best of 2010 awards are finalised and I'm ready to reveal them. However, I will be delaying them for 2011 due to the fact that I am very busy and I don't have time to do it right now. But I am making a few announcements too. First of all, I played Call of Duty Black Ops at my friend's house and so far, I am enjoying it. The review will be released very soon so stay updated with that if possible. Also, I got a lot of games for Christmas. I got Goldeneye 007 for the Wii, Gran Turismo 5 on the PS3, NFS Hot Pursuit on the PS3 and NBA 2K11 on the PS3. That's it for now! CC7 out.

GOTY Time!

Hey guys CC7 here. Well, it's the moment you've all been waiting for! Here are my nods for game of the year!

Best Game: Red Dead Redemption, Uncharted 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Halo Reach, Left 4 Dead 2, Gran Turismo 5, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit, Transformers War For Cybertron, Goldeneye 007, NBA 2K11

Most Anticipated Game of 2011: Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Shift 2 Unleashed, Portal 2, Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim

Thats it for 2010 and I will be announcing the winners on December 27th 2010 and then we start 2011. CC7 out.

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