What I have to say to the developers is quit talking business and do your job as a patron of gaming. My PS3 is well cappable of 360 graphics and anti aliasing so why didnt you implement them into this version. The game played great graphically not as impressive as Oblivion for PS3 but not to shabby. This is the only game I have for the system so this is all i play. As for my trek through the wasteland in post apocalyptic DC i have found no game better suited for me dusty plains and danger around every corner I climbed what i thought was a never ending mountian of a game and finished it unexpectedly and sadly the game was no easy task and spent many hours reloading and save before every lock computer and speech minigame just to ensure that i could sqeaze out every last drop of EXP from any situation. bethesda has created a masterpiece in all due respect but they have shaved some of the visual quality to fit it in the timeframe with the 360 release so a patch would be nice to up the quality and fixsome of teh suicidle characters that live in Megaton. I enjoyed this game.
Catalyst_01 Blog
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