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Final Fantasy XIII - Midway thoughts

The past couple of weeks had me occupied with FFXIII and i'm not even done yet. I feel like writing down my thoughts and opinions of the game so lets get to it. So far, I like the game, but there are certainly some issues and annoyances. Let's start with the story, shall we!

The story is very typical Final Fantasy stuff, and it has its up's and down's. The story is very fleshed out, and I can tell that the developers have spent a lot of time constructing it. The story itself is also pretty interesting with several unique elements and good progression. The downside is that everything is overly convoluted and as the hours fly by, I am left with more questions than answers. What is the difference between Pulse and Grand Pulse? Why are all these people after me (L'Cie) even though no one bothers my "boss" (Fal'Cie)? Why is there a bird living in the black guy's hair? The game does give you a some sort of encyclopedia I could consult, but I didn't come here to read a fuc*ing novel FFXIII, so don't make me. Other than that, the caracters are pretty generic. There's the silent one (lightning), the arrogant one (snow), the annoying one (vanille), the black one (sazh), the one with the weird accent (fang) and the bi*ch (hope). I'm yet to care about any of these people, and frankly, I just wanna give them a haircut.

The gameplay is pretty good, but sometimes it can be confusing what the best thing to do is. Also, some enemies can kill you with a single blow (boss fights especially), which makes for some pretty frustrating moments. I found that using buffs on your enemies works pretty good if you combine it with debuffs on your enemies. I kinda wish they would let you stick with one character, as six people can be confusing to work with.

So far the game is very linear, but it works pretty well. I've heard that things will start opening up a bit later in the game, but as of now it's mostly just linear paths with some branching here and there. I'm also a little bummed about how there is no towns. Every bit of shopping and upgrading is done at the save terminals and I don't really think that's going to change anytime soon.

Man, this is getting long, I better wrap this up. So to conclude, I like the game, but mostly for the combat. The story works even though I can't seem to figure it out, but it's nothing too special. I will most likely write a review of the game when I finish it. If I finish it.