My main issue with the Wii isn´t the motion controls, or the kiddy and casual games that seems to take over the Wii market, but rather the fact that the games simply look, for the most part, bad. I´m not a graphics whore in any sense of the word, but I´m not particularly fond of playing an HD game on my Ps3 or 360, and then playing some SD almost last gen looking game on the Wii.
Now, this isn´t always the case, I just played Super Mario Galaxy 2 and it is an amazing looking game even by my standards. This leads me to the question: Why is this only the case when Nintendo develops games for the Wii? Is there something they aren´t sharing with other third-party developers, because the difference is pretty significant. Ok, I realize that it´s easier to make fantasy characters and settings look better than real humans and environments, but still.
I think part of the reason is because Nintendo is the only developer who really knows how to make games for the Wii. Not saying that every third party games suck or look horrible, but I don´t think Nintendo is giving enough direction on how to really push the platform to its limits. This may also be why there is a lack of quality titles, apart from Nintendo ones, on the Wii.
Anyway, I just wanna say that Galaxy 2 is great, but I think Nintendo may have run out of settings for Mario, and I think they know it. Infact, I think they´ve known since the first Mario Galaxy was released that after space everything else would be a step back, and I honestly don´t know where they can go from here. But Mario isn´t going to go away anytime soon, I know it, you know it and Nintendo knows it even better. Hell, they still haven´t traveresed into multiverse yet... Hold on I´m gonna make a couple of calls.