So here's my rant of the day...
I want to play quality computer games. Under this title I include PC and Console platforms. The wonderful world of gaming is lucky to have enough independent watchdogs like Gamespot to ward off the evil spirits of buggy programming and incomplete works, dressed up in wealthy packaging and extreme advertizing campaigns!!
Most of the best FPS games gain well earned followings and their immersive qualities are improving all the time. Some very good graphics and sounds in games, like DOOM3 and F.E.A.R. and HALF LIFE 2, have made for gripping "lights out" gaming experiences.
But just perhaps I don't always want to go the route of a shellshocked marine with enough energy (and ammo) to take the lives of thousands upon thousands of demons or corrupt militia... and let's not forget the zombies, which are like angry grandparents in a late night sleep-walking visit to the fridge... lol
I really enjoyed the twist in The Chronicles of Riddick EFBB... and the Fantastic "Tim Burton-esque" imagination of Tim Schafer's PSYCHONAUTS.... I loved the homage to ye olde cinema, which was paid in Viewtiful Jo... a masterpiece for the Game Cube... Resident Evil 4, which gave me serious creeps... and many more rare but exciting titles...
Why do people keep ignoring the artistry and go for the gleaming packaging... Too many boring formulated "play it safe" companies out there, who go for quality of image rather than inventive and exciting game play.
Why is this important? Well, consider this...
As a culture we are shaped more by stories than the food that we eat. Religion is based on an ancient tradition of story telling. "Made up" stories are called Fiction or Fantasy. The "maybe it happened or maybe it didn't" is called Legend. and what "we" believe DID happen is called History. Films were the successor to Books and Plays, and Interactive Electronic Story Telling, is the successor to Films... Or so it seems...
We should care about the quality of these stories as a society in the same way we care about great literature or any important works of art.
Keep buying good games, and show your support for the most inventive titles through statistics, and just burn the bad ones for your buddies... lol No, but seriously, use your money to show the industry what you want. Don't steal GOOD software and there will be more of it...
My moral rant is over... I feel at peace.... lol
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