Cayden Blog
bf2 squad system
by Cayden on Comments
Just some thoughts...
The almost-always misused squad option in BF2 is one of the best features of the game. Take into account the command structure of the game: the command issues order directly to squad leaders (SL), and then SL issue commands to squad members (SM) who execute the plans. In theory the commander is best suited to mobilize the teams forces toaccomplishglobal objectives. The SL in turn meet these objectives by rallying the troops.
In short, the squad leader should have two goals: 1) maintain constant communication with the commander to carry out mission objectives, and 2) advance his squad as a cohesive tool to meet those tasks. Oftena squad fails because its SL did not successfully meet either goal.These failures can be attributed to several common mistakes. First, many SLs go to the head of the squad to lead an assault or recon mission. This is bad because you risk losing your mobile spawn point advantage if the SL dies. Second, SLs are ineffective when they don't issue commands. These are quick to do, and often can be executed through a simple point and click. Without basic direction from an SL the SMs lose cohesion and inevitably choose their own objectives. Third, when an SL fails to anticipate enemy movement it can be devastating. This can happen either by running into a tank on an open field, or by crowding the entire squad around a flag and being kill with artillery.
SLs are the only weakness of a squad. SMs need leadership, otherwise the squad becomes antithetical. With a strong SL the SMs tend to rally around and carry out objectives without question. Sometimes people just join squads for the free spawnpoint. This can be prevented by locking the squad and kicking abusers. Another way to enhance cohesion is for SMs to carry out the SLs orders, and remain within close proximity to the SL. Simple group dynamics shows that when there are SMs following orders, other straggling soldiers tend to line up as well.
08-04-2007 08:38:34
Something fierce
by Cayden on Comments
I've never written a blog on here,but what the hell. For all you cockgobblers out there listen up and listen good. Team killings is the absolute worst, immoral thing you could do to another gamer. I've been tkd a few times by immaturecock-gobblerswho can manage to kill anyone on the opposing team because, well that person sucks. Idiots.
If these people would just ask for help or read a FAQ or two maybe they'd improve their skills. So f-u all you idiots who make games less fun and ruin moments of mayhem with their antics.
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