Hey guys!
I've FINALLY finished this week of school. Seriously, this week and last week have been super stressy, so much coursework for my GCSEs :( Only one week left, but that should be less hectic. Anyway, here's what's been happening recently in my life...
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Poor Mr. Tree :(
I finally made a start to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Timeon the Wii last night! My mate Nick at school was coming to school EVERY DAY asking me 'HAVE YOU STARTED IT YET?' :lol: Well, I figured that on Super Mario Galaxy 2 I'm only doing the green star challenge at the moment, and it was a Friday night, so I gave it a crack :)
First impressions - it's damn awesome! When I started, I was getting a bit concerned with the camera angle, but I've got used to it now, so that's fine. I'm feeling much more drawn into it than I have in previous Zelda attempts, so fingers crossed this will be my starting point! This morning I got as far as to complete the first dungeon, 'Inside the Deku Tree'. Seriously, as soon as I walked into the Deku Tree, I immediately thought 'Wow. This music is incredible!' I've always heard about the Zelda music being great, but seriously, this was something else! :)
I struggled on a certain part of the dungeon which involved burning the spiders web. You know, when the answer is looking right at you but you some how manage to not see it? XD
Super Mario Galaxy 2
lol wut
I'm loving the green star challenge guys! It's really good fun, and it's nice to see that it's not just a repeat of the previous galaxies, with Luigi instead. So far I have about 155 stars in total, but I'm hoping to increase that massively today and tomorrow :) Can't wait to review this. I'm thinking a 9.5 out of 10 at the moment :)
Life is pretty great, still. Last 2 weeks have been very stressy, but oh well. It's over with now :)BIG NEWS - tomorrow afternoon, me and my band The Shydogs have our first ever proper gig!! It's at a local venue that I regularly see other bands perform that, so it's an honour to be playing there! In addition, Invisible Train Records (my record label) just bought ourselves an acoustic drum kit. This means we can start doing some proper recordings as opposed to rubbish ones on my electric kit :P WOOO :D
That is all.