Good news! My Dad go an email today from the company we bought our new computer from, and it should be arriving Friday!
Once it's up and running, I plan to install some of the great games I used to love back when my computer had space, and I will plan to buy a few games including FEAR 2, GTA: San Andreas, Left 4 Dead, Spore, Bioshock, Portal and a few more.
Also, I was going to pre-order the DSi today, however I'm now having second thoughts. I don't think I will get much out of the new features, therefore I will probably just buy a new DS Lite, and it'll be a lot cheaper too.
Gaming wise, I recently bought GTA: Chinatown Wars and Retro Gamer Challenge, and I have to say, they're both excellent, however I'm currently focusing on Retro Gamer Challenge.
I may also continue playing No More Heroes as I stopped for a bit :)