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Truths about PC Gaming

I've been seeing a lot of Console fans coming into this forum lately and bashing the PC gamer. So I decided to complete a list of truths about PC Gaming in general so that they can eat their words.

1. Upgrading your PC every month is mandatory. If you don't, nVidia will hire a hitman and kill your parents.

2. Having friends is against the rules. You belong in a basement with only enough human contact to use the washroom and eat.

3. Getting addicted to an MMO is essential in the sustainability of your life. If you log out, you will DIE!!!

4. Owning a console is forbidden. Every wonder why the dinosaurs died out? It was because you touched your Wii at night.

And for the most important truth about PC Gaming.

5. Pirating games gives you herpes. No worries on spreading it though due to not being allowed to have friends or much human contact.

I hope this helps you consolites out in learning truely what PC Gaming is all about.

Over Hyping!

With a market with a vast variety of games, there is always that one game that gets over hyped. Now I myself don't jump on the bandwagon and praise a game before I actually play it myself. But one thing annoys me that other gamers tend to do. They over hype the game, play the game for 5 frikken minutes, dislike it and then go onto gamespot and write the most biased review in the world.

In all honestly, a review is ment to be a fair analysis of a game and not just a medium for people to just spit nothing but their discontempt of a game. I mean when you play a game and it doesn't work for your computer then you don't go and give it a 1.0 because it won't run on your pentium 2. Or that you played the game, got pissed off with a player in it and then go onto gamespot and give it's graphics a rating of 1.0 just because you didn't like one wack job.

In all seriousness people, if you are going to rate a bloody game, try to do it with some form of professionalism instead of acting like a 11 year old fanboy.