Borderlands 2: the sequal to one of the most coveted co-op games of all time is on the edge of releasing, so I just thought I'd release a list of TINY but BIG improvements I'd like to see.
- Better reward weapons: One of the few flaws of the revolutionary weapon generator was that most of the quests that rewarded you with weapons gave you something that was pretty weak. Usually by the time I got the reward, what I had was already A LOT better.
- Give us a reason to play as the underdog: Lets face it, Mordacai (The Sniper) was the underdog in the first Borderlands. Sure he had some great perks, but his "Bloodwing" action skill was heavily outweighed by Lilith's "Phasewalk", Roland's "Scoprio Turret" and Brick's "Berserk".
- Fast travel stations on DLC: The DLC was terrible with this, especially "The Secret Armory of General Knoxx" where you literally had to drive everywhere (and if your car blew up, run LITERALLY 500 blocks to the nearest "Catch-A-Ride"). Give us a way to get around when we're not in the mood to dodge bullets.
- Make multiple-target quests less repetitive: In the first Borderlands, they had the waypoints on most rigged to take you all over the place. This was first expressed in the Patricia Tannis "Recorder" questlines where it had you drive from one side of the map to the other, only to have you go back to the other side of the map 20 feet away from the first one.
- Don't rig certain quests to be easier with a party: The best example of this is the entire "Mad Moxxi" DLC. Unless you lucked into finding and EXTREMELY powerful shield or class mod, doing the Underdome by yourself was a huge pain. The same applies the "Circle of" arena challenge quests.
- Don't make that one screwover boss: Anyone I've talked to had just 1 boss they've never beaten without dying: Mad Mel. It was bad enough you had to fight 5 other rocket-equipped cars, doubly worse when you throw in an enclosed area and the fact that if your car blew-up, all it took was a bump from an enemy car and instant death. The only good that came out of it is if you died, you could sit on the outside of the enclosed arena and shoot the cars without worry of becoming roadkill again.
That's my list! Here's to hoping for a good one!
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