Ceadre's comments

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Edited By Ceadre

You wanna make me happy EA? Stop with the benefits for people not on a budget. I bought the Mass Effect Trilogy used for $20 cheaper, and I got docked $30 worth of content that's free if you bought it new. Sorry that I'm not loaded and looking to get the most for my money.

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Edited By Ceadre

I've been patiently following Metal Gear Rising. I'm tired of teaser trailers, I want a release date! Quit being a tease Konami, you've been nothing but a tease since you announced this project 2 years ago. I loved being stealthy, now I'm ready to slice n' dice!

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Edited By Ceadre

This bill is utter crap! Do these over-privileged morons really even think about what they're doing? Destroying an industry like this because a bunch of multi-billion/trillion dollar companies are whining and complaining that their "property" is being stolen is pure foolishness. The same concept exists for both games AND movies, and that is that they aren't really even selling the "property", they're selling a COPY of the "property". Besides, they obviously don't see how damning this will be to both the movie and game industries. Imagine, no reviews for that movie you're unsure about seeing or that game that "looked" cool on the commercial. The only thing that this will fix is the already overly-luxurious lining in a corporation's wallet...and probably game guide producers. GameStop always pushes those guides, not realizing that most people are smart enough to get online and get their info from their fellow gamers on discussion boards and "wiki's".

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Edited By Ceadre

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

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Edited By Ceadre

I just hate how sensitive the controls are. It's a 4-axis, so if you dont EXACTLY press the direction you want on the control stick, it changes it to an entirely different direction. I find using the control pad makes for a little less frustraion when you're trying to pull a time sensitive and delicate move like a fatality.

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Edited By Ceadre

I'm kinda just tired of the one step process. I mean look how far graphics have come on just a single generation of systems. Remember when the 360 was first release? Remember how smooth and untextured the graphics were? They weren't a huge amount better than previous consoles conjured up (I mean, DOOM 3 had better graphics than most of the games when the 7th gen was released). Now Crysis 2 is out, and it looks like EVERYTHING could jump out at you. Sure, they're gonna hit their limit on graphics eventually, but rather than just making already released systems better (Nintendo's done this for years with their hand-helds), they just keep releasing something intirely different and new, and let's face it, with people having less and less money to spend on hobbies, releasing a brand new top-of-the-line console is not the way to go. I remember when the Nintendo 64 was popular. Graphics started getting too advanced for what little onboard memory the system had. Nintendo's solution: make an "Expansion Pack". Something so simple made newer games more readily available without having to buy or even develop a new console. Why can't they just do what Nintendo did so long ago? Sure, these days, it would probably come with a $150+ price tag, but the bottom line is it would be better than mass-producing a $500 system that most people can't afford.