Okay, hi, I'm back. Tomorrow I will be sifting through my PMs, and Thursday &/or Friday, I will be doing union stuff. I will be busy.
Now on to my break. I did 4 or 5 things. One was Ghostofluigi's sleepover. I had an awesome time. We played Rock Band and surfed the web most of the time. In the morning, We put together a large game of War Games. In War Games, you split into 2 teams, and you have to capture all of either team to win. My team had a base that was a drain-off pipe for a shallow lake. I was mostly the hit man, due to my size. The hit man is the person who runs around and tackles everyone else, then forces them back to base, where the other team members put him in "jail". There is a huge chance for bodily harm. No team really won.
Later, my grandad had had a stroke :(. We went to the hospital and all that jazz. His brain had shifted a centimeter, and his brain was flooded with blood. He dies on Thanksgiving day.
A few days after that, I got Rock Band 2. Ghostofluigi spent the night and we played Eye of the Tiger all night. Ghostofluigi got 100% on singing on medium. I can do Expert on Bass with a 208 note streak, and do Medium on Guitar with a 249 note streak.
The next week we went to his funeral. I had to dress up, and looked like someone from the FBI or MI6. Once, my mom sent me to go get something from her car. I ran through the neighborhood with a mysterious package. More than one person looked at me strangely.I also played the piano, and many people said that it was good.
Last Saturday, took the SAT. By the way, I'm only in 7th grade. It wasn't too hard.
Now I'm back.