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Guess what I got?!?!?!

I just ordered Final Fantasy IX!!!! Woohoo! I can't wait for it to arrive.


Also, I've been playing Pokemon Platinum. I'm climbing on the mountain to get in the Distortion World. My brother got a DSi, and I let my friend borrow The World Ends With You. He loves it. Then again, who wouldn't. Also, I'm thinking about playing Final Fantasy IV. I spent tons of time just leveling, so my average party level is around 50 and I'm in the place where all the people in the castle fled to. About 15-20 hours into FFIV and Platinum.

I've been playing Platinum a lot lately. I named my Pokemon after various leaders. My name is Cecil, my starter's name is Highwind, my Staraptor is named Nero (EVIL Roman leader), my Roselia is named Churchill (after Winston Churchill), and I also have a Medicham named Ghandi (I hope you know). I want to name someone Obama. I think I'll name a legendary after him. It makes sufficient improvemonts on Diamond and Pearl, without feeling like a completely different game. It takes all of the good things from D+P and adds to them. I really like it. More characters add a deeper plot to the game. It's worth a look, even if you played Diamond or Pearl. As a side note, Chimchar is the best starter. You can get electric and grass Pokemon easily early in the game.

Cecil_Highwind, signing off...