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IMPORTANT! (please read and comment!)

Okay, I'll make this breif. My mom saw something she didn't want to see on GS, and my dad doesn't want me spending so much time on the computer, so I'm taking a hiatus from GS. I'll still drop in every once in a while, but I might not have any major activity for a while. It might blow over in a week, but it might take a month or two. Please don't demote me in unions, all the usual stuff. I hope you see every one of you again, but it might be a while. Don't give up on me. :D Oh yeah, I've got 1248 comments, so I think I'm in the Top 25, fastesttruck.

I really will miss all of you. I think this'll blow over in a few weeks, so I might be back soon.

Cecil Highwind.