You know what I mean. Sonic's recent games have all had some kind of gimmick, whether it be a sword or a Werehog. All of these gimmicks have failed.
Recently, 2 Sonic games for the DS have gotten good ratings. Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure with and 8.2 and an 8.0,respectively. You know why? They returned to Sonic's original form of great 2d side scrolling platforming. If the developers would take a hint from these games, they might start to make better Sonic games. instead of looking at these games, they continue to waste manpower and company money making horrible games that give Sonic a bad name.
On the other hand, Sonic Unleashed and the Werehog were junk. Sega should fire whoever made those up.
Gamespot's reviewer said that the regular hedgehog levels were great, but the sheer number of Werehog levels and lack of hedgehog levels made it a bad game. The Wii version had more hedgehog levels, and got a 7.0, while the others got 3.5s. so why can't the developers just get the hint that these games aren't that good. The only reason that they are selling is that each game carries the hope that it will find the winning formula. I say, you've got the winning formula right in front of your faces! Look back into the past and find the correct game ideas. Don't continue the flawed gimmicks that you use are using.
If the game developers really want to make a good game, then use the ideas of the past, not the flawed ideas that you are using now. Don't keep using gimmicks. Yes, I call them gimmicks. That's all that they are. Ways to try to get people suckered into playing the game after seeing the "awesome looking sword" on the cover. Ditch that stuff, and make some Sonic Rush for the non-portable systems. 3d type. You'll get good reviews. I hope that the Sonic Team are reading this. And if you are, get rid of Big the Cat. No one likes him.