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CelestialSnake Blog

School is out... and i'm bored

I got out of school last friday, and then grounded from my ps3 on sunday. what theheck! but anyway, I didn't get a job like i was going to, they filled the position, and i'm probably going to work as a bust boy at a local restaraunt, Dusters. but either way, There is this store, Movie Gallery, i went to last saturday. it is freaking sweet. i'll never buy a game from Gamestop again. Movie Gallery has this thing, where you can give them 5 dollars, and reserve a game that hasn't come out yet, and you can also keep paying money in payments, like 5 dollars a week, then ten another, and you can keep doing this until, by the time the game comes out, you've already paid full price for it and you can just pick it up. you can also rent games there, another thing they beat gamestop by. Also, if a game is less than like, 2 months old, they give you at least 25 dollars for it. btw, this is my first day off for the summer.

I'm finally getting a job!

Last weekend on sunday afternoon, i walked into amigos (basicly a taco bell mixed with a burger king) and asked for an aplication, i'm probably going to work 20 hours a week, at minimum wage, wich will probably get me around 540 dollars a month. now that i am going to get a job, i'll be able to get hooked up to psn, and i'll finally be able to enjoy what i've been craving for soooooooo long. a chance to dominate the online gaming spectrum.

Walmart games for $20

i went to walmart on friday, and was walking around the games section, and i saw this huge bin of games, and they were all for 20 bucks! so i went over there and started to check it out, and there were some good games there. they had oblivion, blitz the leage 2, assassins creed, haze( not so good i hear) blacksite area 51, and virtual fighter four. i bought assassins creed, and i like it, spent all day playing it today, they also had a lot of xbox 360 games there, and they didnt suck either, i saw the orange box, and a lot of other games i cant remember about. but anyway, hears to hoping wallmart gets more games in the 20 dollar bin!

Condemed 3

My cousin and i played condemed 1 & 2 and are big fans of the seiries, and he recently told me that they are going to make a 3rd condemed, i'm really excited for it, and i hope that it is on ps3 and xbox, because it would suck if they put it on the next system. but anyway, i'm really excited to see where they take the story from here, even though it is kind of cliche, with the cult and all, but it was **** scary at times, and i hope that condemed 3 will make you **** even more than the first two, cant wait!

PS3 vs. Xbox 360

In my experience as a gamer, i've played halo, halo2, halo3, metal gear solid, mgs2, mgs3, mgs4 and pretty much every other game exclusive to a particular system. I have had a ps3 for about two weeks now, and i have also spent a lot of time playing the 360. I just dont get what all the fuss is about in the "console war". I've played both and i think they both are really fun. I just chose the ps3 because of the metal gear series, and because I have family members i can visit if i want to play xbox. but the point i'm trying to get across here is this. Dont waste your time trying to convince people who own other consoles that your console is better, because if you think that ps3 or 360 is so fun, and if your spending your time trying to convince other players how fun it is, you must not like it that much because your not at home playing it. CS out.