Shinju showed me how good a fretless 6-string Goddess can sound in the hands of a maestro. I got owned -_-" Need more time on the bass I suppose, I'm just a regular good guitar player.
My copies of Tales of Destiny as well as Tales of Destiny II (Tales of Eternia, renamed) just arrived (thanks, Suman!), can't wait to try them out. I remember getting a glimpse of Tales of Phantasia a while back, and the side-scrolling battle system looked intriguing. I'm looking for all the classics / different style RPGs I missed. Different, as opposed to the traditional party-vs-party battle system you see everywhere. Wonder what else I missed. Oh yeah, still have to play the later Breath of Fire games.
Think my FFT playthrough is stalled for good - no surprise there, calc frog really kills any challenge the CPU puts up, not that there was much playing with an emulator in the first place. Been mostly grinding my Demise party, reaching floor 9 for the first time was really exciting. Also gotta finish leveling my alternate Titans of Steel squad, I need them to finish the final campaign.
Really hot weather, it's gonna be one hell of an Aidilfitri holiday this year. Seasons greetings to all muslims.
Right, back to work.
- Ce.