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happy holiday

Happy Eid to all my muslim friends. We visited several houses in fine Malaysian tradition, and ate and ate and ate :D I think I gained a kilo -_-"

Been reading a lot recently. Well, technically it would be re-reading, but there isn't really much happening in the places I bookmarked. Generally, when something is done as a hobby and not as a living, updates really take time to appear, heh. Then again, who am I to talk >_>

Came across an old piano tune that I never got around to practising, finally had a go at it in between grinding on 2Moons. I think I'm gonna quit it, it's just another lame grindfest with the additional fatal distinction of not being admined properly - just listen to all the gold farmers advertising their "services" ingame.

I'm not about to waste my time on a pay MMORPG, besides they're not really all that good either, just look at Archlord for example (it was pay2play before Codemasters (the publisher) re-released it as a free2play game with a Cash Shop). Buggy as all get out, and fairly poor latency / movement prediction. I'm in the market for a decent, simple, even browser-based MMO. Oh, I'm still playing DW:SoE, but it's just TOO simple (heh). I never was a great fan of Enix's Dragon Quest franchise anyway (having Toriyama-sensei (of Dr. Slump and Dragon Ball fame) as their art director doesn't help either, I don't like his sty1e).