Is what I get for prancing around clothesless at home but I doubt this site allows blogs of that nature. Sometimes a girl just feels frisky, ya know?
What, lv19 already? I hear 20's bugged and takes forever to get through. Oh well, there's nothing that GS ranks give you. I suppose they could do one of those phpbulletin style RPGs but that'd just stress the servers even more for no good reason.
Started playing Flyff - yet another engrishly translated Korean content-free MMO - only because a friend is, and it's similar enough to most others I've played to make it a breeze, especially RO (almost uncannily so, wonder what the lawyers are doing). Also wonder why people care about grindfests like these. They're mindless as hell. I mean, strip the pretty interface, and any decent MUD will pound these fluffy MMO-lites into the ground. I quit Imperian btw, for MateriaMagica, the Iron Realms MUDs are too pvp-centric for my tastes. MateriaMagica is pretty nice, fairly newbie friendly too, large population supported by large areas, which means you often have lots of space to yourself. Sure, towns are traffic-heavy but even then it's hardly like MMOs where one glance at the town centre shows dozens of players. Makes a decent intro to MUDding, if you don't want to start on mini sandbox-style MUDs.
Not much personal talk today, gotta run. All's quiet on the gaming front, kinda preoccupied with RL stuff. Death and taxes may be inevitable, but there are plenty of other annoying unavoidables to deal with which happen on a regular basis. Like bills and love triangles. But I'm a monogamous nymphomaniac now.