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Hmm, my user icon link died. Damn Damn imageshack while I'm at it, they started showing those ugly "this domain is not authorised for hotlinking" frog pictures instead of the ones you upload. Wtf? Isn't the whole point of providing "image hosting" to allow hotlinking of images? Anyway I'm switching to photobucket - didn't use them before since I think I had some loading problems last time when my ISP was still crap (they still are, but at least they're consistent now).

Anyway, I'm flattered anyone is actually tracking back - I thought people would more readily read game-oriented blogs (or blogs of interesting people in the game industry). Btw despite the recent ('05) registration date I've been around way longer. I still have a 1996 (97?) hotmail mailbox. Had a '02 GameFAQs account too (dead btw, had to make a new one in '05).

My wanderings online do take up quite a chunk of my time - I'm a regular at around 10 forums and on-and-off visit maybe a dozen more (by regular I mean like visited often over the years and have racked up 1k+ posts). So it's not like this puny GameSpot account means I haven't been trolling around for long. Heh.

Busy marking exam papers this week, so not much to say. It was real hot today, managed 2 laundry loads. Quite a contrast to the past weekend's dismal downpours. Just discovered a new freeware RPG that looks quite decent, will comment later when I can afford the time to play it.