Woop, lv12 :p
Just a quick note, gotta run. Picked up where I left my Demise game. Making good progress, and finally organised my FAQ for it so that it actually resembles one instead of just a pile of notes, heh.
Related to that, I got another mail from Super Cheats. I don't know what the hell's wrong with those people, they ignored my 4 previous messages regarding my other FAQs. Suffice to say instead of don't caring about them they're now on my crap list. I already made it quite plain I don't want my stuff on any weird ol' site. GameFAQs has been around for much longer and is actually focused on the gamer - not the advertiser.
I absolutely loathe wading through tons of ads and crap strewn all over the page, it makes them look like all those terrible personal webpage / blogs that go on and on about their dog and their latest camping trip. Even GameSpot took some time for me to get used to. When it comes to web pages I prefer a clean, minimalist approach - if you really have a lot of info, organise them into other pages and provide links. Don't cram everything on the front page. And scrolling ticker-tape style text, god that's just fugly.
- Ce.