GameSpot doesn't filter reviews, which leads to all sorts of posts from people who apparently possess room-temperature IQ.
Take this guy:
Now, what's wrong with that?
If you can't install the demo / game (and thusly haven't even played it), then on what grounds are you writing your "review"?! Talk about stupid.
Titan Quest isn't a particularly bug-free specimen but then what recent game is? And at least, unlike some other releases which crashed for everyone, TQ actually did work for a large majority of people. Clearly this genius thinks he is so great that the other 190+ odd reviews from people who have actually played the game don't count. Hint: a review is about the game, not about how your piece of crap computer couldn't handle it.
Why am I slamming him? Nothing personal, I eat idiots like that for breakfast at my lectures, but this kind of blatant stupidity is annoying. Reviews are supposed to be about the game, nimrod - not technical problems.
He could've started a rant thread in the forum, posted a blog entry to complain about it, googled for the solution (let's not forget the multiple forums where the devs actually hang out at and respond regularly), etc. but nooo, it's too convenient to hit that "write a review" button. "Look Ma, my name in lights!".
Look at my own reviews for example. Sure I gripe about stuff too, but I give comparisons and reasons and examples - even if they aren't exactly spot-on or unbiased, but at least you get the point I'm driving at.
Edit: Heh, this morning I got a message from GameSpot saying 'thanks for using the moderation feature', and behold! That "review" got the axe :p It's still there but there's no more text to read.
Yes, I 'hey mod!'-ed it. Why not? Merely ranting accomplishes little to nothing. When complaining try to do something about it, who knows, somebody else might actually care too.
- Ce.