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Meh, Phantasy Star Universe won't run, stupid loader. Sorry bro, it's not just my laptop Urumi, even our desktops won't run it. I tried it on a couple of pcs; Kodama, Kirara, Senrigan, and even one of my servers, Kamaitachi. I either get a report-or-not crash, or a generic ctd.

Sega makes lousy ports. Not to mention the fact that I read the story portion of PSU must be horribly crippled since the online version is getting updated every so often while it isn't. I've watched my bro host and play private servers for MMOs before - it's awful lonely by yourself doing everything, even though there's no lamers to contend with. Sega should've just released a standalone spinoff PC version. Christ, after all these years of playing games I can reel off dozens of random quest templates that should occupy players handily. And yet most games fall into the tired old fetchquest rut. Give me a freakin' break.

Darkstar One, however, installed and ran just fine on another laptop of mine, Jehuty. Looks nice. Guess I'll be running with it for a while. Still, the overall arcadish vibes I'm getting from it haven't diminished even after (or maybe especially after) trawling through the various options and settings and upgradables.

Someone asked me why we called them "don't worry" guitars. Well... don't worry, don't fret, same thing right? So, don't fret, i.e. fretless... fretless guitars.

Yeah, it's stupid, but like the bi act, it's just part of the front. When we're in the band, we're parts of a whole, not individuals anymore. By the way, I don't really get why guys like to see two girls kissing. It's a nice distraction, sure, but fondling Shinju onstage doesn't really give me a kick. I mean, sexually. I'll go along with pranks and stuff, but sleep with her? She's, like, a friend. A sister. Okay, bad example since I'm doing my brother, but you get the drift.

Heck, she's cute, and it isn't hard to imagine her all flushed and sweaty and aroused, like in a bad doujin, god knows I read plenty of those. But for some reason that doesn't light my fuse. I mean... guys, imagine kissing your best guy friend. Yeah. You like him as a friend, right? But not to cross swords with, so to speak? Tongue him? No?

Knew you'd get it! You people are smart. And I'm a pervert, but that goes without saying. We wouldn't be here if people were more fastidious about where, when, and who they poked.