Okay, so I get this invite to join the Sephiroth's Posterity union. WTF?
Now I'm pretty easy going and prefer to enjoy my petty revenges cold, which means most of the time I don't slam people in their faces. But Final Fantasy 7 is a sore spot with me. I got it with my PSX in '97 (together with Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha, which I disliked at first but grew to love), and thought it was neat. FMVs were new, see, and I hadn't been following the consoles after the SNES.
My beef stems from the growing influx of mindless DBZ-style fans to the game. It's like when the MTV crowd "discovers" something. "Zomfg FF7 leetest since slaiced bred lolbbq". Jesus H. Christ. I absolutely loath that kind of fan. It turned my like of the game to disdain, then to hate.
Despite what you fanbois think, FF7 is nothing special. Combat? Traditional party-then-enemy arrangement. Equipment? Standard item-type-A-for-character-type-A (so you can't give Tifa Cloud's sword, for example). Yes I admit the materia system allows for some interesting combos, but what this means is that your characters are useless generic interchangeables; Cloud needs to heal? Give him the appropriate materia. Yuffie needs to use fire magic? Give her the appropriate materia. This means you can afford to play with just a bunch of "favourite" people and neglect the others. So much for interesting individual characters. I'll bet few bother with Cait Sith or Vincent either, since they have crap limits.
And don't get me started on the stupid unskippable summon animations (quad magic + Bahamut Zero vs the red desert weapon (Ruby?) - I got up to 28x casts before I gave up out of sheer boredom). Yes I know this isn't just FF7's flaw, but the point is, it's a known issue and they didn't do anything about it (Breath of Fire 4 on the other hand allows you to skip once you've seen the entire animation once).
Large world? lol, give me a break, each "town" is just a collection of rooms. Go on, count 'em. Tally how many entrances/exits there are. It's a tiny world, not huge. And it's pretty damn linear, just like most every other RPG out at the time. Try doing things or visiting places out of story sequence. Can't, can you? Just like most every other RPG out at the time.
Then the whole Cloud/Sephiroth thing. Cloud is a delusional freak, I don't see why he has that many admirers. I can name dozens of characters from fighting games with more interesting histories and better reasons to be messed up, instead of being exposed to some weird stuff in secret experiments and losing memories.
I'm not saying Cloud is crap, I'm saying he's freakin' overrated. So you get into his head and see his problems. So what? I bet a trip through Yagami Iori's psyche would be more interesting, given the Orochi bloodline history. The saving-the-world bit was just circumstantial. If not for meeting up with Barrett, Cloud would be just another mercenary in the Midgar slums - might have probably been pancaked by the falling plate even.
Sephiroth looks cool, I'll admit. But as far as freaks go he's out there with the rest of them. Plus, looking cool and being cool are different things. And to prove I'm not dissing him just because of the pretty boy long silver-hair image, I'll point you at Alucard, who looks almost exactly like that but is way more cooler than Sephiroth can be. And Alucard uses his brain to deal with his screwed up life, not freak out. "Zomfg mom was an experiment and so am I, argh, I'm going to fvck the world up". FFS. Unique? Hardly.
I had fun playing FF7. I admit that. But it's already close to a decade. STFU people, quit with the "zomfg let's petition sqaure-enix for ff7 on ps3!!1!1lol". It didn't make the PS2, what makes you nuts thing it'll be on the PS3? Advent Children wasn't bad, but fanboi reaction was exactly as I predicted. AC was basically a 90-minute fanboi handjob, nothing more.
If you want to talk FF7 to me, discuss something of substance, like materia combos or equipment or game decisions. What I don't want to hear is yet more "omg it r0x0rz" drivel.