With GDC giving out news left and right there would be the inevitable rumor and speculation that comes with game news especially with events like these but one thing really got to me was the article wherein Bioware refuse to rule out a PS3 version.
Before anything goes on I'm going to try to throw in my own opinion in why this article both confirms exclusivity and or confirms it coming towards the PS3.
It's exclusive to the 360:
-The fact that Microsoft has been known to look for 3rd party developers for help in terms of exclusives like Epic with Gears and Ubisoft Montreal with Splinter Cell Conviction, surely Microsoft would know that if one of their big 3rd party exclusives were to become multiplatform it would cause FUD for Microsofts Xbox division since Microsoft has as of late closed Ensemble Studios a studio that has a proven track record when it comes to games which shows that they are not dependant on their 1st party devs as much as Sony or even Nintendo. The thought that Microsoft losing exclusives or rather not having exclusives in the future might prevent potential buyers from going towards the 360.
-Microsoft can't live on exclusive DLC alone, this might sound fanboyish and I'll gladly take the heat that comes with it but Microsoft's attempts to sway potential buyers with exclusive DLC has failed considerably. When Microsoft announced that they've secured exclusive DLC for the title GTA4 they triumphantly claimed that with the added content they would outsell the PS3 version. Throughout most of 2008 majority of the consumers took Microsofts word for it, creating numbers that were subtle estimates of the 360 version being 2 to 3 million ahead of the PS3 version to absurd estimates claiming that the 360 version GTA4 outsold the PS3 version 2 to 1, but a report from Rockstar themselves stated that both versions in terms of sales were 50-50, another example being Tomb Raider: Underworld which despite having exclusive DLC for the 360, sold more on the PS3. Microsoft needs something to remind fans that they aren't subjected to just exclusive DLC so I see them doing what they can to keep having their own exclusive retail games.
-Microsoft published the first Mass Effect so there is still that doubt that maybe Microsoft owns the rights to the game and EA only owns what Bioware does in the future like Dragon Age: Origins, maybe Microsoft owns the rights to have the trilogy be made for them first and have the trilogy come to the PS3 at a later date albeit timed exclusive. Then again some say that Bioware retained the rights to do whatever they want with Mass Effect and they have in the past showed brand loyalty by releasing Star Wars: KotOR and Jade Empire exclusively to the original Xbox despite the PS2's overall dominance in that generation and Mass Effect to the 360. The save files of the previous Mass Effect could also play a pivotal role seeing as the one of ME2's features is using save files from the first ME to continue on with the story.
-The way Bioware said their no comment, a poster in the article I showed dannyboy mentioned how no comment could mean it's not coming and although the way he defended it dare I say lacks any strong form of logic but still having a certain amount of substance, I did notice one thing. Ray Muzyka was quoted "We have announced Mass Effect 2 for PC and Xbox 360,We have no comment beyond that". The way he said no comment beyond the 360 and PC version might indicate that there is nothing going on with the PS3, beyond the 360 and the PC there is nothing else to comment on.
It's coming to the PS3:
-Bioware is now owned by EA and everybody knows EA isn't the publisher to look for exclusives, with EA paying millions to acquire Bioware it wouldn't make sense if they didn't pay for the whole package. With EA's idealogy to make money chances are the Mass Effect trilogy will come to the PS3 eventually. Credit goes to N4G's morganfell for this explanation which may help answer the save file fiasco,
"The question facing them is how do we release Mass Effect 1 on the PS3 with Mass Effect 2 a year a way? The earliest they can likely have Mass Effect 1 ready for the PS3 is this fall. Such proximity may damage sales. So they are asking, do we release the first one to the PS3a few months before the second one releases on the 360 and PC and then release the second one on PS3 three to four months later?"
"Or, do we release the first one on the PS3 at the same time as the second one releases on the 360 and PC? Or do we package the first and second Mass Effect together on PS3 together for a price of roughly $79.99? Whatever the situation it would be an absolute disaster to release the first one on the PS3 AFTER they release the second one on the PS3"
He later goes on to post the same thing that everyone should take in consideration, EA is asking themselves how they can make the most profit out of releasing the original Mass Effect and the sequel without risking spending more than what they'll gain.
-The constant mystery involving interviews, surely these companies aren't just saying "no comments" left and right just for the attention they would lose some credibility if it turns out they were just playing the crowd with the whole speculation angle. The fact that a flat out no is not being used might indicate that a PS3 version is a probability. There is a chance that Sony decided to keep it a secret until E3, if Bioware does have control over the Mass Effect trilogy then wouldn't Sony choose to pounce on the opportunity of being able to convince Bioware to release their games on their system as well, since EA bought Bioware maybe Sony saw an opening to get Mass Effect to the PS3 with Microsoft seeming to be out of the picture and even if MS published the first ME Ninja Gaiden 2 was published by Microsoft but now Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 has been announced, the NG2 incident made me wonder the whole "only on Xbox" signs and IP's published by Microsoft but not IP's bought by Microsoft are exclusives argument.
-The PS3 user base can no longer be ignored by 3rd party developers as a source of income at 20 million plus the PS3 has proven that despite the difference between 360 sales and PS3 sales thePS3 still sells software at a steady rate with estimates that LBP is almost reaching 2 million, Uncharted at 2 million, Motorstorm at 3 million, Resistance Fall of Man at 2 million. These are new IP's and the latter two's sequels have proven to also reach the million mark, this was in contrast to earlier reports when both games failed to sell right away. This shows that PS3 games sell at a certain pace and has proven that the PS3 owners still buy games with it and are giving developers profit for their work.
-Sony has been heavily supportive of their 1st and 2nd party studios, they've showed that they keep a healthy working enviroment between the teams as told by Media Molecule's Alex Evans, Insomniac's Ted Price, SCE Santa Monica Studios Stig Asmussen, and Naughty Dog's Evan Wells. But Sony would need to show that they're still in touch with their 3rd party devs and if they are able to gain Mass Effect 2 and possibly 1 towards their system it would be embedded in the minds of people that Sony is still in touch with their 3rd party devs not because of the Mass Effect acquisition but the ensuing debates between fanboys who say I told you so, fanboys who would eventually remind people that 3rd party exclusives from Microsoft soon found a second home with the Playstation brand.
The End is up to you:
-What is your take on all of this as a PS3 only owner I can only speculate and expect the worst and hope for the best. I'm still keeping the mindset that this is 360 exclusive but I'd like to know your opinion on this subject. It will help the gaming community be more aware of the situation, I wouldn't want to give false hope to PS3 only owners and I don't want to start a flame war with 360 owners seeing as this is just an opinion out of curiosity