It is fun I remember owning two players when I was a Black Phantom, I killed the Blue Phantom before the live one. So awesome
Cenceless_777's forum posts
The way I see it it's like The Hulk: Ultimate Destruction with more variety so if the majority of the reviews are around 8 I will buy it eventually
YAY for europe. I also heard it is the easiest platinum ever. shabab12
actually no the easiest and slightly more satisfying trophies are in Terminator Salvation, play it once and in 4-5 hours you have just gained yourself 10 Golds (9 of which you can get on Easy) and a Platinum. I've played this on Medium first then I got 10 Golds and I played it again on Hard for the last Gold and finally got the Platinum. Yep there won't be any bronze here.
Now let's review
Hannah Montana and you get 30 Bronze, 8 Silver, 4 Gold, and a Platinum
Terminator Salvation and you get 11 Gold and a Platinum
I can bare playing a crappy game like Terminator, I can't do that with Hannah Montana though and if I'm getting trophies for playing Hannah Montana they should be like the trophies on crappy games like Terminator all Golds and Platinum
did infamous release yet? :?
If you search hard enough in the internet you're bound to find people breaking the release date. Example there is a site called he shows Killzone 2 and inFAMOUS a week before it was released.
God of War III and Uncharted 2: Among Theives are among the announced that I'm looking forward to, for the unannounced Syphon Filter PS3 and Twisted Metal PS3
Naughty Dog for giving me Jak and Uncharted
Insomniac for giving me Ratchet and Resistance
Sucker Punch for giving me Sly and inFAMOUS
Capelli from Resistance 2, I would have prefered it if Warner,hell even if Hawthorne lived. People say Capelli's a badass I just think he's an ass
1. Jak and Daxter
2. Jak and Daxter
3. Jak 3 - by placing Jak in exile the environment he was placed in made the open world feel different from that of the urban feel that a city would give you. The light and dark Jak was also a plus giving each different powers and being able to use both for puzzles.
4. How pissed am I that Jak 4 is PS2 and PSP only? I'm so pissed that I condemn you for just mispelling Jak with "Jack" and I'm so pissed I wouldn't read majority of the posts here even if someone already corrected you. Now you know how pissed I am.
uncharted, that plat is soooo damn easy to get... ill try to get the plat in killzone 2...
Hey if you do platinum on Killzone 2 comeback and tell me and give me some tips on getting the "Professional Trophy - Get 3 headshots in a row using only one clip of the M4" it's harder than it sounds especially with the helmets
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