I'm back!!! Even if the loooooong study is not over I decided to see what is going on here. How are you all? I hope you're better than me :( I'm so angry right now, and also sad. Yes, because after two weeks of study-no-stop I failed my exam...The teacher asked me a difficult question about an experiment with DNA, but I started talking and I was doing well. Unfortunately I forgot to mention one of the many conclusions of this experiment, and she told me to do again the exam. I'm not going to complain about her decision, because she is the teacher and I can not do much if she decides that I'm not good enough for the test, even if I'm sad. What I can not understand is why she had to send me home just for one single thing that I forgot to say. We have marks from 18 to 30 at university, and I am wondering: is that possible that even if I said almost everything I was under that 18 which is the line for passing the exam? Mistery of italian university teachers!
Anyway, I discovered that I'm now at level 7 :D
Everybody is ready for the great match tonight: Italy - France, Euro2008. Forza Italia 8) It will be very hard for us, crossed fingers!