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Memoirs of Hadrian

Hi everyone! :) So, first of all, Blackout Day: it seems that somehow we've been heard. Changes are not assured, but at least they know why we decided to protest for the new tv.com. Of course thank you Glenn11523 for everything you've done and organized!

Nothing actually happened this week, just normal things as university and study. I went to the CUS which is the sport university center and I asked onfo for basketball. I used to play and I was also good at it, so now I would like to play again, also because playing I can relax and have fun, cut with the study for a couple of hours. It would be great and so i went for info: there is the basketball course, but it is for both males and females :lol: I remember that I played with guys for like four or five years when I was little, but then at 13 years old I had to change team and play with girls only. I didn't decide yet. There will be probably other girls, and a mixed team will be funny, I'm sure. I'll think about it but very luckly I will sign up for the course. :D

I'm reading this book right now (I've almost finished it actually :P ), Memoirs of Hadrian by Yourcenar. In italian of course :P

It is a very well written book, a masterpiece I would say. Maybe you don't remember it but I said a couple of times how much I hate latin. It's true, I can't stand it, I hated every single lesson for five years in high school. But I decided anyway to read this book because I had heard it was a good one, and I love it. Maybe I love it exactly because I've studied latin for so long, and I know the language despite my lazyness :P The thing is that it is so well written sometimes I forget that it is not a latin test. But it seems so! It's incredible! The author did an amazing job. The words she uses, the costruction of the periods and the things she writes...seriously, if I didn't know that the author lived in the XX century, I would read the book thinking that Hadrian himself wrote it!

Have a nice weekend!

Ciao :)