I play games to escape reality, not have it shoved down my throat. I am perfectly fine with girly looking men as protagonists in my game. I don't need to suspend my disbelief because I'm already used to it, having played these kind of games for 15 years. Please, Square, stop trying to pander to the West. There already is enough pandering.
Cerberus_Legion's forum posts
Good. More people get to experiencthe Mass Effect universe, even if it is the sequel. Heck, I kinda wish Wii was getting it as well.
Smackdown Vs RAW 2011
Final Fantasy: Four Heroes of Light
Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring
DQVI is probably not releasing this year. DQIX was already released. The game will probably be released next year in the Spring.
Gamestop. I've never had a bad experience with the one I go to. It's all relative to your Gamestop. Not every Gamestop is the devil, like some say.
And I suppose all new IPs are amazing? As long as the games are good, I don't really see the problem.
I love JRPGs. What exactly has Bethesda innovated over the last few years? Lifeless and wooden characters I couldn't care less about? Terrible animation? Bare bone plots? Horrible primary gameplay mechanics (Oblivion with its awful excuse for swordplay and Fallout 3 with its awful excuse for gunplay)? Unpolished pieces of codes with numerous bugs? Numerous quests that amount to nothing? Open fields that ultimately go nowhere but to the same textured dungeons? All of that describes Bethesda's two current generation efforts in a nutshell, in my opinion anyway. I do like WRPGs, but I love JRPGs as well, and the whole "It's cool to hate on 'em" fad that's going on nowadays is the reason why most Japanese developers shouldn't cater to Western tastes, because it's quite obvious both cultures are interested in different games. Not one aspect of these two subgenres is "right" or "wrong" - they simply cater to different tastes. Linearity =/= bad. Sandbox-esque =/= good. Simplicity =/= bad. A lot of mainstream WRPGs have been significantly dumbed down just as much as mainstream JRPGs have, but I suppose the illusion of "choice" takes precedence over solid game design?
Oh, and the weaboo nonsense? Incredibly overdone. Just because one likes a JRPG does not mean they're a "Weaboo." I suppose anyone who prefers Western games and WRPGs are being Eurocentric, right? Talking up the numerous "innovations" of the West, as it were. Developers from all over the world have innovated this generation - to leave it one sided to the West is a disservice to the East.
Dynasty Warriors 6. It really is a better game than its predecessors, but since fans have become accustomed to the formula, I suppose it doesn't rate much higher than 2, which is the worst, but the second one is often hailed as one of the better ones because the experience was fresh for its time. If Dynasty Warriors 6, as it is, had been released several years ago, perhaps it would be better received. Dynasty Warriors 4 is the second best, always.
Clive Barker's Jericho. Loved this game. Not many share my enthusiasm, however.
Ninety Nine Nights II. Suffers from familiarity, but I love hacking and slashing mindlessly through thousands of enemies. For me, it's preferable over shooting thousands of enemies mindlessly.
Shadow of Rome. It's never really talked about and people have either forgotten about it or never liked it, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Maybe it's because I love Roman history, but the gameplay was solid.
I stopped believing what Molyneux said before Fable II was released. I will let the game speak for itself when I play it.
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