So, I've never cared much for the gamerscore or kill/death ratios in games. I've always tried to be a good player, never quit early on any games like other people do if they're loosing. My head set I only use to talk to people I actually know (on a RARE occasion with strangers) I did OK, had maybe one or two negative feedbacks on me, I can only imagine that it was because of someone I beat and they were sore loosers.
So the other day while I was at work, my roommate's kid decides to play. I had allowed him to use my system, but, I forgot to password protect my gamer profile. I get a text message from my girlfriend telling me he is playing the game and using the headset, a big no no. At least in the past I was there to see that he played fair and not quit or do anything annoying. BAHH!!
Next day I just have to check my profile and this is what I see
Really? He messed me up that bad? I had like 97% good feedback. Leason learned, my account is now password protected.
So, if there is anyone out there willing to give me goodback, I'd like that very much. I'm sure Microsoft will never find out about this little deal ;)