Chack1598 / Member

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When I finally get my hands on....

The Wii I really don't know how i'm going to react you know? It's just over 2 weeks before it's launched here (I'm in the UK).
The system launch has always seemed like a far off event - I remember seeing the counter at 80 days and seeing E3 videos with that Nintendo rep guy who always ended his sentences with "actually". It's the far away object that I see Reggie, Miyamoto and Iwata playing with on stage.

I realise it's a games console and all that but this just seems more special. Right now it just doesn't seem like something I will literally soon have - nor something that will be available to everyone. It's odd as I know that many units have sold in America and next gen is becoming current gen and so on. I can't get it into my head that I will see the units in shops along with the games etc. I guess this is due to the fact that this is the first set of system launches that I've really followed. When I bought consoles before I'd see them in shops and just think "ooh it'd be nice to have that, it has such and such a game" and I'd have no idea how long the console had been out for.

Maybe this is what happens when you hype something up to yourself, it just seems like a distant pipe dream for a long time, then suddenly it's very almost here. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has felt this just before a system launch but still it's not something I've ever experienced before.

The same practically goes for the ps3, I will eventually get one because I won't deny that it looks good. It again just feels like a far away object that I won't get my grubby mits on because it hasn't clicked in my head that it's....well, coming I guess is the word. It's hard to explain without making me looking like an absolute weirdo.

I guess I'm just really excited about the Wii , so much so that I've built it up in my head to the point where it will just be that cool thing that's happening over in America that appears on Gamespot live programmes every so often. It's not to say that i don't know its being released it's just that.....well I can't properly put it into words. Someone will probably comment me saying the exact thing i meant and be like "yeah, we all have that" or something.

Oh well, I guess the only way i know how I'll react is on December 8th. If you've read this far then thanks for...reading this far.

Oh yeah - for people who put up pictures of their set up which includes a 360, Wii and Ps3 - nice. Really, that's very awesome. PsWii60 is lovely.

Anyway, yeah. Thanks.