thanks for all the feed back. I called them and they told me to put in a code. I did and am playing now to see if it gets fixed. Hasnt freezed yet, which is good.
I mite just wait til' it gets it, and try and finish madden games.
Well about 2 weeks ago, i was playing Madden on xbox live and my xbox froze. All it did was make no noise and keep a solid screen. Now its doing it almost every 2 Hrs or so. Im wondering if the RRoD is coming soon. If anyone can help id appreciate it.
This also sucks because its happening right before Madden 09 comes out. This could also just be my COD4 disc maybe. Its happened like 4 times on COD, 2 times on Guitar Hero, and once on Madden.
Mine is freezing a lot now too... and i either want it to stop or just get the lights, so i can return it. I hate to do it right before madden 09 comes out though.. ill just do the towell trick til' they send me the death box thing.
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