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Resident Evil 5: Instant Classic?

Hello, welcome to blog where I will look at games in present and past discussing if it is worth instant classic status. The first entry looks back an Capcom's latest Resident Evil entry. RESIDENT EVIL 5: Is it an Instant Classic? Resident Evil 5 is a survival horror game set in a fictional region in Africa. Which follows RE 1 star Chris Redfield in his efforts to investigate a new biological threat and seeks to answer many questions about the events of the Spencer mansion. A new character is introduced named Sheva and she fits in the game perfectly. Old scores are settled and new relationships are built in this action-adventure presented by Capcom. There is even a major role with man in sunglasses. For better or for worse the Resident Evil series has shifted almost completely to action-adventure rather than its' survival horror roots. There is rarely a moment when you will jump out of your seat from Majini. It is to be expected off the heels of the highly-acclaimed Resident Evil 4, which revitalized and possibly saved the franchise. The problem with RE 5 is that it plays it safe and offers few new innovations. If you hated not being able to move while shooting then this game still may not appeal to you. Chris looks like Superman and has the flashy power moves to boot. If the player goes into playing game thinking it will be as fresh as RE 4 you may be disappointed. Instead you should play it as a standalone action game with Resident Evil ties. Thankfully, the innovative new feature of having a partner greatly helps the game. Sheva is no Ashley...provided you have a friend to play with. RE 5 is in my opinion the best co-op game of 2009. You will have fun moments such as sniping a Majini that has your friend in a grasp.But playing it solo requires more patience as the computer is just not as adaptive as a live player. On the hardest difficulties, I have seen the computer ally be overcome by enemies far too often causing me to restart. Play it with someone as it was intended and you will have an enjoyable trip through Africa. The story in this game alone for Resident Evil fans make this game at least a must play. It provides closure for certain storylines. Albert Wesker makes his return as the villain of RE 5 and is a simply, a bad man. The exchanges between him and Chris displays the intensity of the rivalry. Wesker's ambitions make him walk the line of sympathetic character and madman. Outstanding job by Capcom casting the voice talent as everyone brought life to their characters. Resident Evil 5 is a good game with great visuals that adds to the Resident Evil Lore. If your expectations are not too high you will take the game as it is a fun co-op adventure that plays it safe. A game that builds on success of Resident Evil 4 and does not destroy what has already been built. This game is not an instant classic because it seems to simply builds on an existing formula but is worth at least checking out.