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The Holy Trinity - COD,AC,ME

Call Of Duty 4, Assassins Creed and Mass Effect.

My November will be quite an industrious one in terms of gaming, however my body will not be thankign me come December.

Having just finished reviewing Call of Duty 4 (I gave it a 9.0) and being absolutly smitten with the damn thing I am very much looking forward to the next two blockbusters set to hit our shelves in the coming weeks. I feel that after a very slow build up the 360 and PS3 are finally coming into their own. On a technical side the graphics in COD4 are superb and I am expecting Assassins Creed to be even better. Not to mention the seemingly fantastic visuals and body modelling in Mass Effect.

I bought my sibling a Wii for christmas, on the day of purchase I was excited about playing it come December, however now I have tasted the fruits of the trinity I couldn't give a monkeys..what ever a monkey doesn't like to give, about Nintendo's lapdog. It's a great console for non-gamers however in the end I feel that those who have gamed for longest will remain the market in the next few years whilst the Wii will loose popularity like all Fads and "must-haves."

Back to the trinity (I quite like calling them that,) so far I have completed COD4's single player element which raised some fantastic issues with global politics, however I wont get into them here incase anyone reading this hasn't played through it yet, and am trawling my way through the multiplayer. Of the 55 levels available im currently 21 and loving it. I wonder however if I will neglect it once AC and ME come out. The orange box is gathering a few specks of dust, and looks non to happy about it.

Anyway, roll on the 16th and my advertures in the middle east....hang on...I've just had one in COD4 and it ended non to well. Maybe the crusades of Assassins Creed will prove more wait they went badly too....maybe there shouldnt be a war there at the moment, I dont think it's a good place to be..the games..they tell of bad tidings to come..oooo. Thank goodness Mass Effect takes place in outer space. Keep an eye on those headlines for inter stellar travel and pirates.