It is just so strange. In the time I've been part of the Haunting Ground community (About half a year already... wow), I've tried to be as involved as I can. I have no idea why, but for some reason this game, which most people never thought much of, has completely hooked me. It's more than just a video game, It's the only reason I'm even ON gamespot,, and a host of other sites, I still play it just as much as I used to, making it the longest time I think I've ever spent on a video game... but although I do love the game very much, I don't think I'd still be playing it right now if it weren't for all the people on the message boards, the people at the union... Because you guys just never let this game get old. It's great that the fanbase for it is so big and diverse, and I've made a lot of friends here. Every other game I've played, pretty much, has just been something fun for about a month or two, then I throw it off to the side, where it collects dust. But not this one ^_^ I'm more interested in it than ever, what with me working on a fic, fanart, and a whole bunch of other stuff... it has turned me into a completely obsessed nerd. I can say with complete faith that it's my favorite game of all time, and I can tell that this game isn't going to be collecting dust for a long, long time.
All thanks to my buddies that are the Haunting Ground fanbase. I salute you!
As for what I'm doing as of now, most of the free time that I do have right now is spent working on my fanfic, either thinking of ideas for it or writing it, although I did make a picture for my signature a while back, I have yet to put it up, because of a little problem... There's one picture I need for it, but the camera with said picture is still being developed. Yes, I know, I don't have a digital camera... DON'T LAUGH AT ME! :cry:
I have had some good ideas for fanart, although I haven't gotten around to making it yet... And as for myself, I'm still busy as hell, but doing okay. My dogs got taken to the groomers (Sometimes I try to do it myself, but these dogs are HAIRY, and you should see them after they walk through a few bramble bushes...) and my mom told them specifically NOT to shave them (They did it last time, and although they looked funny as heck, it was the middle of winter, and they froze their butts off), and when they got home I nearly died laughing. I'm not quite sure why, but they DID shave them... but not all of them. They left the fur from about the shoulders on up, so they look like little dinky lions or something. As pissed as I am at those people, they provided me with one of the best laughs I've had in some time. And as for school, I'm just getting ready... applying for financial aid (Yaaaaay!), getting living arrangements set up, and all that fun stuff. I am so pumped about this :) And I'm trying to do some reading on the side, James Clemens' Shadowfall... If any of you are fantasy lovers, I would highly recommend it. Very intriguing and different, and all of the characters are really involving. Anyways... I'm sure I'll find the time to do everything I want to do sometime soon. Now excuse me while I go back to my life in the fast lane! *Chaos walks away to wash his clothes then go to bed*