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Well, 2 AM... time for a blog entry!

I'm in the mood for a joke. How about you? This has always been one of my favorites. Good stuff.

Okay... three guys exploring in a South American jungle got captured by a tribe of cannibals. The only way the cannibals would allow them to live if they could pass a test. The first step was to go out into the jungle and gather ten fruits of the same kind, and the men were sent out to do this. The first guy comes back with ten apples and is informed by the cannibals that to pass the test, he had to shove all ten of them up his @$$, without any facial expression. He managed to get one in, but on the second he winced in pain and was killed. The second guy came back with ten berries, and he was put to the test as well. He managed to get all the way to nine, but on the tenth he burst out in laughter, and was promptly killed. The two guys met each other at the pearly gates, and the first guy, who had been watching, asked the second guy why he laughed when he had almost passed the test. The second guy says "I couldn't help it... I saw the third guy coming with pineapples!

Wow... I still laugh at that one... it's late XD

Anyways... my already limited time on the forums is once again shrinking... If you will recall, I mentioned getting in to a very nice animation school in Washington, well... they're not very nice for nothing, unfortunately. Before I go in August, I have to fill a minimum of 100 pages of a sketchbook with drawings, both sides of each page, at least 4 sketches each side... and they can't just be whatever I want, they have to be either from direct observation or an excercise from a certain textbook. They recommend 1 to 2 hours each night, all the way up to orientation week. This is already fun. I'm just hoping to be able to have my fanfiction completed by the time I go off to college, because obviously I'll have little to no time to work on it then. Just to let you know, though, this is probably going to mean I'll have less chances to visit you guys, but I'll still aim for once daily, 'cuz this is really the only socializing I can do right now, and if it weren't for y'all, well, my life would be quite dull. I can only hope that this'll pay off someday, and I'll get to work on Haunting Ground 2 ^_^

So anyway, other than that, not much is goin' on here... I did get 10,000 Days the day it hit shelves, which I love dearly :) I do need to make a more genuine effort to get a summer job if I'm even going to have a chance of paying off this huge loan anytime soon... whatever I can get, it has to be better than my last job. Put on my Riccardo outfit yesterday just because I could... don't really have much use for it now, no fellow HG fans here :( But I still do get a kick out of chasing my retarded, useless cat around with the flintlock and quoting Riccardo. Too bad it's not Fiona I'm chasing, though... or Daniella... :)

I think I'm gonna have good dreams tonight as long as I stay on that train of thought. Good night, all! :D