I'd say the biggest problem with my psp is that it's 'too' thin, it's not ergonomic and not that comfortable. making it thinner is only going to give ya hand cramps. The rounded edges dont make it seem as slick as the original psp. The TV connectivity should have come standard with the psp at launch. The funding on the psp revision should have been put towards the possible development of the psp2 or to payroll better games. I like the playstation portable, but this is just too little too late, the funds could have been put to better use, seeing as how the influx of new psp games is steadily dying out
I agree with GoldenS1104. So far the online capabilities arent up to scratch, It's losing out on exclusives and the game titles dont stand out. Until MGS4 and FFXIII come out ps3's wont be hot for a while. Also not all games use the sixaxis, and on another note, for the Australian/Europe release they're gimping the PS3 to make it cheaper for themselves, yet they're charging higher than on the us launch (look above at the UK editor, it costs US$225 more). Making the console inferior to the original *** and American consoles and not passing the gain to the consumer is a dumb move. Before i get flamed, i was a sony fanboy, but the fact that i could get a 360, a wii and a DS for the same price as a PS3 was a real letdown. Also on My PSP, as Sarju Shah above said, It's annoying scrolling though even 100 songs to play the one you want. Finally there was the statistics sheet on the ps3, while on paper it looked like a much better console than the Xbox360, when the graphics were compared, the PS3 ended up on-par and in some cases worse than the 360.
About what Summitart said, That would be an excellent idea if they had it used as a computer ^_^, Comparively it's MUCH MUCH cheaper than the most high end rigs and IT'S DAMN POWERFUL. So yeah, if it could be used as in a computer then it would be a bargain buy in my opinion ^_^ (if i could port the windows or linux OS onto it that is) The only problem with that though is that computers are used for alot more that just games, they can burn CD's, use internet much more efficiently, emails, posting on forums ^^ etc. etc. and are a swiss army knife compared to the dull spoon that are consoles. THE biggest problem with that plan coming to fruition is that 1stly i think thres been a bit of a shake up whether an OS can be ported or not, and by the look of the dashboard it looks like a similar OS to the PSP, the front screen almost exactly looks like a PSP's dash (the menu with the selection of songs, games, etc.) So looking by that, if it's official that we dont have an OS like windows or linux, the PS3 wont be able to be used as a computer, lest someone uses tunneling software to port windows on ^^. So yeah, Computers now adays are a NECCECITY, almost everyone not in a 3rd world area has one and they're used for buisness, medicine, Typing stuff up, etc. whereas the PS3 is for recreation alone. Due to it's limited use it DOES count as expensive in my opinion, However if sony decides not to be tightass *Much laughter echoes through the forum* then it would be incredibly worthwhile to put a PROPER OS onto the PS3 and use it as a computer.
Suggestion to note: Wait till more games come out and it drops in price by a bit, also As the PS3 is online firmware patches may be released to improve the system just like they did with the psp. For the moment, yeah, Ps3 does look kick ass but it's best imo just to sit back and watch what happens. Also about the 360, i've seen it, the graphics are damn good ^_^, it's just that the only games that really pull me atm are chromehounds and upcoming halo 3 (lotsa other games like oblivion i already have on PC), whereas the PS3 has alot more choice in games and popular series'. This should be a fight or console war, we hav forums for those ^^, As i see it the only thing we can do is sit and wait for the end of the year to see what becomes of the PS3 EDITNESS: Carrie mentioned price of games above. A good strategy for avoiding the price of expensive games is to have lotsa friends ^^, either that or form a union/forum based where you live so you can gameshare/Disk trade. Disk trading with friends is good because you know the person and can borrow from their gaming library, vice-versa. Excellent tactic when you have a single player game, not so good if the games are online, PS3 may include multiplayer on several of it's games. p.s.- Some of you may not have heard but the ps3 may have Keyboard/Mouse capability (hinted at in HL2:episode 2, not sure, pls correct =p) So PS3 wins for me if there are any good FPS's coming to ps3
Thing that looks really unrelistic about the heavy rain character is that when people are crying the area around their eyes is usually red, they usually scrunch up their eyes, nose may drip, entire face may scrunch up. Without any kind of facial expression crying looks fake as one of the human checklists when people are crying their usually wincing in pain. Also imperfections are a big thing. When the first final fantasy movie came out it look reasonably realistic due to moles, bumps, scars, pores and marks on the skin. All this could probably be obtained just using textures and would add a depth of realism to game play. As seen on the heavy rain character, theres no imperfections and her face doesnt display enough emotion, due to human nature we know that nobody's perfect and that everyone short of some supermodels have some kind of imperfection on their face. Rise of the imperfects! (sorry, i just had to put a bad pun in there ^_^)
Well Minhveryhard, if you have a 6600 now's a good time to upgrade. Take a look through http://www.gamespot.com/features/6147127/p-6.html It's the oblivion graphics card guide, from a 6600GT to a 7900GT the frames increase is almost double! Also i checked out newegg.com and a few others sites, a 7900GT is about the same price as a 7800GT ($20 more expensive for a decent frame increase to 7800GT) Price is about USD$300 so i'd say it's all good ^_^ $300 to make ur games run twice as fast is damn good value for money ^^
Chaos_KnightX's comments