About a week or 2 ago I was about to start playing Oblivion on my Xbox 360 for the first time with all the DLC :D, then the dreaded red ring of death :evil: aka Three red lights flash on the ring of light. Luckly i brought a 2 year warranty with my 360 from EB Games Australia and got it replaced for a new 360 with an added $61 dollars because my warranty would only get me a refurbished 360 but by doing this it voided my 2 year warranty and replaced with a 30 day store warranty and a 12 month warranty that comes with the 360.
So i got home hocked up my new 360 but felt sad because i missed my old one, we had good times and I only had her for just over a year. I would always come to gamespot and read other peoples misfortunes with there 360 and hoped my would not come to the same demise but it did :cry:. but i got the new one now and everything is alright again? right.......Wrong!!!:evil:
After about a week my new 360 bricked but luckly it decided to go out before my 30 day store warranty was up with EB Games. So i took it back and got my thrid 360 :|. Hopefully this one lives a long and happy life at my home and not at the Microsoft repair center in a coffin!
Also all my reviews will be delayed a bit because of this and i have a new 360 gamer tag: ChaosSpecopsX0