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what a crazy day

Today me and my friend starrfox aka Leslie decided to play some games.first we played mortal kombat armageddon......he won mostly >_>  I beat him a ouple of times he showed some dumb glithces with the air combos (cheater).Then We played street fighter alpha 3 dramatic battle (2 against 1) I was Ken and he was Shin Akuma.we blazed through the stages...especially when we fought Balrog lol.then we got up to Bison we won the first,lost the second and then it came up tp the final round we did good and then we started a combo with the V-ism special bar I did around 20 hadoukens with ken and Akuma just punched Bison  together that was a 50 hit combo (I'm not joking)and to top it off we both used Shin Akuma and did the Raging Demon...AT THE SAME TIME you can't do that since we share one special bar but we did it lol and this is the joke of the day he logged in on GS and showed me some messages it was from a girl who supposivly likes him  and her name I guess is alexis-13 he showed me the picture of her she look like Morgan Webb from that show X-Play WTF????? O_o thats disturbing but Morgan Webb look way better than her :P

this is the craziest day ever and it's still the morning wonder whats gonna happen later on lol