I don't see why it makes sense for a fan of another video game to care whether there favorite game gets retail respect or not, that you enjoy and like the game should be more than enough. Worrying about whether or not people know skyrim or whether or not it had as many copies ordered is ridiculous and stupid. This whole fanboy war in and of itself is ridiculous too. Considering that they are GAMES! Why on earth does it matter if some stranger buys and enjoys COD or Battlefield? Just play your games and have fun.
This game will be interesting. I used to play Max payne alot back in the day. Don't know if I'll pick this up, what I do know is that it'll be the gritty shooter everyone expects it to be.
This was a great read. I'm still gathering my thoughts on this article so i'll make sure to be back and post them. Just had to give you guys props for this first.
Chaotic19's comments