Skyrim....You killed me, you bastard!
by Charlatan89 on Comments
So a month back, around the same time I finished playing Mass Effect 3 a few times, I decided I should ¨play Skyrim as I´d gotten it earlier on a gamble that it was waaay better than oblivion. Personally liked Morrowind, Oblivion... not so much, but I wanted to give Skyrim a chance as EVERYONE around me kept recommending it. And Skyrim is HUGE, and I mean Huge, so much that I actually managed to get lost in the game (and I don´t mean the good kind, no I mean the ´Where the F**K did I just end up?´ kind.) I´m the kind of person that likes to stick to the story and does side quests basically so that the main ´campaign´ feels more real, with that being said I don´t mind roaming around but I hate it when I can´t seem to find the way to the places I want to get to. So a more detailed map with at least the route would have been much appreciated. Now by no means am I saying Skyrim is a bad game, but at times I got frustrated as hell (from which flying old ladies and mammoths made a nice reprieve) at least for me. And than there was the dying, because when you start out with level one everything on the playing field sees you as fair game and you being a weak wimp, you die so very easily. When I got this game I had a choice between Dark Souls and Skyrim and when I asked a friend of mine he said I shouldn´t play Dark Souls as he was certain I´d throw my PS3 out of the window after a few days and told me to get Skyrim. While I have not reached the point where I would wilfully destroy my PS3, having come across a few Frost Trolls that blocked my path from time to time, I can say my reactions where less than subtle. This is a good game, not if only I could play it without losing my temper.