I'm think about selling my Vita. I like it, its just when i have time, its last of my priority to play. So if i sell it and decide to rebuy, my downloads will still be attached to my PSN account, right? Will i be able to redownload them on a seperate system in the future? Is it like Steam or Itunes where i always own it?
CharlieStinks' forum posts
I think you haven't given the game much of a chance TC. Alot of JRPGs start off slow an Chrono Trigger has a lot of positive aspects to it. I am curious as to what these better JRPGs are though. Even by todays standards I still think Chrono Trigger does a lot of things better than the crap out this generation.
MOD NOTE: Please keep all E3 discussion in the thread at the top of this board or on the E3 boardHmmm, yeah a few
Rygar - thought it was the nes version, the arcade version is a completly different game. and one of the worst i've ever played.
Star Tropics - eh was alright, played it for 5 hours maybe? not a total wash
Secret of Mana - probly gonna get flack for this. i never played it originally and since i love vintage sqaure, it seemed like a no brainer. Nah, this game doesn't hold up. Primitive story story conveyed on very little text. Boring monotonous battles. In its defence, i have heard it was better multiplayer back in the day.
So 3 out of 32 games. not bad.
I'm having such a great time with this service. My disc showed up 2 days ago and i've already racked 10+ hours on it. All i have is a Wii and SD TV in my room so i'm really happy with it. No buffering issues and dvd quality or close across the board. i don't need cable in here anymore with all this content!
Yes it is hard to get.
The postal service is not the most reliable.
i wasn't asking how reliable the postal service is, just when netflix would ship the disc :roll:
ahh man, alright, i'll give it some time
i see a few copies on ebay, i wonder if they are tied to your account in some way rendering them useless for anyone else. not worth taking the chance, i'll wait it out, thanks guys.
Looks like they shipped today from netflix. I just got an e-mail saying mine will be here tomorrow.
i'm afraid if i sign up theres gonna be a long que ahead of me. wish there was some way to find out how big of a batch is being sent out. maybe i'll shoot them an e-mail.
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