Well, I was going to do this yesterday, but then I did get a bit lazy. So I'm doing it now.
Alright so I finally got Goldeneye, played it online and off. I have to say I am very impressed and I already got the hang of things and stuff. Maybe not gun wise what's best and what's not.
The missions are kind of longer in this game, alot more to do, I guess so that it doesnt get boring and beat quick and stuff. I haven't been playing it that much, I been into the online too much because its great. =D So story mode is alright, just long-ish.
Online is amazing I have to say. Its also addicting. The first day I wasnt good, but now I'm getting better, and I hope to become better in the future. I'm also waiting for Thino to get it so we can have fun and whore it together, hell even me not having any friends yet is already fun, I can't wait to add Thino and Ced, along with a few others. I really hope Thino gets his game tomorrow and they have it so we can have a blast!
Other than that, its pretty much it, I also notice that I do better at night because there's not a glare in the screen from the sun during the day and stuff. I guess at night I do better because I can see the people actually moving around, plus the game is sort of dark so I had to turn up the brightness. Good game still! Alright so that's about it, I'm going to end it here, and will be doing another blog soon. Also, the leveling system is good too, Its better to not go too fast, that way you can enjoy the game and stuff. =P
More to come soon!