Warning: This post contains major references to the Season 4 Finale of "Prison Break". If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you avoid this blog.
I just..I don't really know where to start. 4 years I've invested in "Prison Break". 4 years of watching and hoping and learning to love these characters and then they end it like that.
Up until those last 4 mins of the show, I'd been loving it. Characters coming back and Michael finding out that Sara's pregnant and then Kellerman... And then the end came and ruined all that. :( :cry:
Now instead of celebrating the end of a fantastic show and congratulating all involved, all I feel is anger, disappointment and sadness. What they did to Michael has forever tarnished a once great show for me.
In these bleak times, I NEED happy endings in shows. Why is that Writers seem so adverse to that? Why is it that they nearly ALWAYS seem to go for the lazy option of killing someone off?
It really makes me question whether these ppl give a damn about the fans cause they just seem to do whatever the hell they want anyway. Why do we even bother watching?
I've not been this mad over a death in a show since they killed Marian in Robin Hood last year.
I really don't what else to say right now, I'm just so disappointed. :(