I didn't see any significant bugs for me to regret the purchasing of this game. Most of this is just bitc*ing and moaning on the forum for the sake of bitc*ing and moaning on the forums. Performance issues are mainly due to weak PC's that people are playing on. Mine is not so up-to-date too (dual core, 1000 RAM and Nvidia 6800), but I loved the game more than HL2 or Doom3. Disappearing bodies didn't happened so often for me, perhaps 10 out of 200 - 300 of those that I killed. Sometimes if you walk into the spot where they had disappered, they appear back. There is some lag, but mostly at the beggining, when you start playing the game. Afterwords, it worked fine for me. I never encountered closed trader's door, this is something very rare. First time I ever heard of that.
Failing task is not a bug. Sometimes you end up killing enemies in one particular area, which happens to be a task from someone (trader, Duty or Freedom guys). Than it tells you to go and get your reward. If you don't get it in 2 game days, the task is a failer. So, big freaking deal. They usually just give you money. Money is not even a problem in this game, just collect artifacts and sell them to anybody, and there is your cash.
Didn't see the rain triangles, but I wasn't really looking for those. Hardly an important issue. However, the thunder storm was awesome. All that thunder and lightning was so freaking intimidating! I thought I am gonna get electricuted, so I ran inside! :)
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